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Lingaya’s Public School implements a Fair Assessment Policy

Lingaya’s Public School implements a Fair Assessment Policy

Educational research and practice globally is struggling to arrive at the right  definition of a Fair Assessment Policy that would apply at the school level. Is it only a question of marks and grades that determine whether the boy or girl is successful? If that is really the case, how it is that inconsistency in performance is often observed, like a child scoring 90% in an examination and 40% the next. On the other hand, it is often seen that bookworms who have practiced no other skill are systematically scoring very high grades. Such a child may not understand the practical aspects of life and be unfit for work in the real world.

Purpose of education

According to the social classes, education and training mean different things. According to one definition, education is a preparation for life, but another believes that education is life itself. As the world is getting more materialistic, it is realized that ROI applies to education like everything else. If lifeactivities can be treated as an industry, education should have its returns too. What role does a Fair Assessment Policy play in ensuring that the child has developed certain skills and knowledge in the top schools in Delhi?

While knowing the surroundings and understanding your place in the universe may be universally accepted as the definition of early school education, by the time class 12 is reached, children are getting rather serious about the future. In the case of low economic backgrounds, earning a living is uppermost in the mind. Those better off may be able to indulge their fantasies and likes in choosing a particular stream, like science or commerce.

A Fair Assessment Policy represents a realistic awareness of the abilities of the child in the different subject areas, along with physical abilities and communication skills, club activities and social connections. A well rounded personality is developed through several stages and the school plays an important role, though clouded by innocence. Encouraging the efforts of the child should be the ultimate role of the teachers.

If the child suffers domestic abuse or is sick on the test or examination date and the grades are low, who will bear the blame? Knowing how sensitive children are, it is necessary to keep spirits alive. A single low mark can dampen childish spirits and a single question could upset them severely.

Keeping such aspects in mind, being very mechanical like a computer in awarding marks based on the criteria, a lone failing work will make many children and parents unhappy. It is true that marking systems in public examinations need to be very strict to uphold standards, but a compromise needs to be worked out.

Relationship between education and jobs

Instead of an ideal Fair Assessment Policy that promotes education for its own sake, the skills and abilities that active professional life require should be inculcated from an early age in the top ten schools in Delhi. Learning a lesson from advanced western societies where children work and earn incomes very early in life during school vacations, for instance,  to get a taste of occupation and money, work ethics should be encouraged.

A vast difference is noticed when it comes to work sessions in the school environment like cleaning and in clubs and hobbies. Suddenly, it is a different world at Lingaya’s Public School when the groups are busily engaged in work sessions, temporarily removed from books and lessons. In such a case too, like cleaning up the ground after a function, they will be assessed according to the work achieved. Maybe marks or grades would be awarded but the work did not involve books, question papers and answer papers. Fair Assessment Policy applies in such a case too.

Negative approaches towards low performance

Psychological aspects of youngsters and their attitudes towards marks and grades make it dangerous to play with their careers. The media is always talking about suicides because of failure in public examinations. Something does appear to be wrong with the system or is it sheer luck that makes a 90% student in school fail in competitive entrance examinations? Perhaps something like that could happen at the school level too. If not suicide, depression, anger and hatred towards some teachers or subjects could be equally debilitating.

The top Delhi school name list cannot afford to take chances towards student careers and follows a streamlined Fair Assessment Policy. Meetings between teachers and meetings between teachers and parents supervise the student performances and seek remedial measures. Counseling is given and additional help rendered to the weaker students.

Second chances are given all the time

If expectations are too high, the stress level is increased. Though it is only natural that parents want the little ones to succeed, it should be realistic expectations. Comparisons with more successful kids will have negative consequences. Ensure a Fair Assessment Policy at home too, just like in the school.

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