Professionally speaking, among the teaching community and extending to any field like business or the services, effective mentoring has traditionally played an important role. Particularly with starting teachers in the initial few years after getting out of teacher training institutions, …
Lingaya’s Public School believes in dynamic and flexible classrooms
The march of school education commenced centuries ago in classrooms and that implied four walls and a floor and ceiling. Further, the essentials were the teacher, the textbook and the chalk and blackboard with a duster. The same situation prevails …
Lingaya’s Public School and student and teacher trauma management
In recent times, after a few horrific incidents, school security has been tightened and CCTV cameras are everywhere to record what is going on. The usual school environment with uniforms and badges and a military like assembly and parade does …
Lingaya’s Public School believes in the inculcation of positive discipline
Approaches to positive discipline in schools have changed in the recent decades as humanitarian policies have spread far and wide. No longer is it considered necessary or decent to harshly discipline a child who should be treated with tenderness. Don’t …