Among the top schools in Faridabad, it is never too early to get school students involved with a variety of social work activities, especially nowadays when people are getting isolated in the midst of crowds. No, it is not emotional …

Best School in Faridabad
Among the top schools in Faridabad, it is never too early to get school students involved with a variety of social work activities, especially nowadays when people are getting isolated in the midst of crowds. No, it is not emotional …
Lingaya’s Public School looks upon the school infrastructure of buildings and rules and regulations along with the teachers and the students as a distinct community. The school makes an attempt to encourage cordial community relations because that is the secret …
Lingayas Public School keeps abreast with contemporary educational research techniques as the best school in Faridabad. Long gone are the days of the chalk and talk sessions with students soaking up each word that the teacher uttered like the sands …
Lingayas Public School does encourage the writing skills as a core requirement for success in the study and professional career. Inspiration for effective writing exists not only within school wals, but also all over the media. Standards of writing are …