Founder’s Message
When the schools are growing in large number every year, it is really difficult to start a school with a difference. But a sincere effort is being made to create that difference at Lingaya’s Public School by way of adopting unique methodology to develop your child. I am really glad to see your confidence in the School for your child’s education.
Lingaya’s Public School is a move with great mission of providing holistic education to your child whereby he/she should develop critical and analytical abilities. This will lead him towards self-help/self-confidence without feeling the necessity of spoon-feeding by teachers/parents. That is why LPS is a school where students are not burdened with home work. The child may indulge in creative pursuits at home without any pressure from anybody. The development of such a child is an uphill task but not an impossible one if all stakeholders of school take their share of responsibility with seriousness.
It is a venture requiring a very strong partnership between parents and school, treating each one of us as the trustee of these children for their development. With everybody’s support, we are confident of contributing in the development of a healthy society and strong Nation by way of developing our children through quality education with special emphasis on the development of critical and analytical faculties; so that they should grow as a mature citizen who should take right decisions even under complex circumstances.